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Professional Development

Before W200


1. I am proficient in using word and presentation processors like Microsoft Office.

2. I know what digital communication is and how to use it. 

3. I am good with search engines like Google.

Areas for Improvement: 

1. Learning more about copy right and digital citizenship

2. Learning about online communities to communicate and share with other teachers. 

3. Learning how to incorporate technology into lessons. 

After W200


1. I know how to incorporate technology into lesson plans.

2. I know what digital citizenship is and how to model it for my students.

3. I know how to communicate with parents, students, and other teachers using online tools.

Areas for Improvement: 

1. Expanding my collection of online resources to use in my future classroom.  

2. Expanding my knowledge about online tools to bring cultural awareness. 

3. Continuing to participate in online communities to improve my role as a teacher.


How Have I Met

My Goals

Goal #1:

I hope to learn how to incorporate technology into teaching.

Goal #2:

I hope to learn what digital citizenship is and how to teach it in my classroom.

Goal #3:

I hope to learn more about online communities for teachers as well as work with other teachers to expand my learning. 

Goal #1:

I have met this goal by creating a teacher website. I also have created many different resources like my Symbaloo, Screencasts, and Instructional Videos

Goal #2:

I have met this goal by learning about Creative Commons and by creating a digital citizenship infographic

Goal #3:

I met this goal by creating a Personal Learning Network on Twitter and by completing my Service Learning Project.

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